We come to the rescue of all who have worked professionally in performing arts and have fallen on hard times due to sickness, accident or old age. All appeals for help will be considered and are confidential. Please note we are not able to help with training/student fees or retraining grants. 0207 836 3322
The Drury Lane Theatrical Fund
To give help to subscribers and where possible to performers and stage management who have worked at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. 020 8542 5782 Secretary : Miss Miranda Fellows
Dance Professionals Fund
The Dance Professionals Fund (the working name of the Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund) aims to support people in the dance world throughout their lives, including into retirement. The charity helps professional dancers, choreographers and choreologists, as well as dance teachers from a range of different dance disciplines. Be it illness, injury, financial or personal difficulties, the Dance Professionals Fund (DPF) …
Dancers’ Career Development
Dancers’ Career Development (DCD) has been supporting professional dance for over 40 years. We help all dancers in the UK to make the often difficult transition from professional dancing to a new career by giving them the confidence and skills they need to keep working beyond dance. 020 7831 1449